Delamar Academy Courses

Each year we welcome students from around the world to learn the highest professional standards in makeup and hair. The 10 month Professional Makeup Design course is the most extensive qualification offered, providing students with a broadly employable and in-demand skill set. Famous for our curated selection of industry-respected teachers, we train our students to the highest standards, with constant focus on career advice, above and beyond just teaching the practical skills. This course replaces our Cert HE Professional Makeup Design course and is packed with more hands on learning and the option to do two, rather than one Advanced Module. We offer course options for all levels of student, whether you are changing your career, have a passion for a particular subject, or want to enhance your knowledge and skills in a specific area. 

 Our long courses are divided into modules and each of the modules may be taken as individual short courses. These 1-2 week short courses are perfect for someone who needs to up-skill in a specific area such as Afro & Curly Textured Hair. All of our short courses are designed for beginners and taught from the foundations up. The Delamar Academy tutors recognise where individual students may have talent or previous experience, and push them accordingly. The class sizes are small enough to nurture each student’s individual abilities.

We also provide bespoke courses for students who want to have individual tuition, or curate a selection of modules over a spread-out period of time. TV companies have also sent teams to train on courses such as Afro & Curly Textured hair. If you require a bespoke option, please get in touch.